
Ref: DZNL/1970-09
Batch: 1212000077904
Serial Number- 0101/DZNL09

We happily announce to you the draw of the DAYZERS JACKPOT LOTTERY program held on the 9th Febuary 2009 in Netherlands. Your e-mail address attached to Serial number 0101/DZNL09 won you a total sum of 125,000:00Euros(One Hundred and Twenty Five Thousand Euros only) in cash credited to file
DZNL/1212000077904. from the total cash prize of 1,000000:00 Euros [One Million Euros]shared amongst eight lucky winners in this category A.

All participants were selected through a computer ballot draw system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada,Australia,United States , Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.


To begin your claims you will be requested to pay a mandatory 1,25Euros to get your winning claims processed by our accredited claims lawyer from the Netherlands Games Board in Den-Haag. Therefore, you are advised as a matter of urgency, to contact the under listed licensed and
accredited claims Director for the processing of your prize award winning. You must provide him with your
File# DZNL/098944000/08.

NOTE; That due to the rate of internet scam going on around the globe we are taking measure to ensure that winners are not being defrauded by any agents or lottery management so we advise all our winners not to pay for any charges whatsoever such as winning certificate, processing charges,
legal charges and transfer charges, as the management has deducted all charges from your winning, You are only expected to pay for the European tax levy which 1% of your total winning as this is mandatory by the European lottery board and this tax levy should be paid directly to our accredited lawyer,
Whose information would be passed across to you by our assigned agent name below.

Mr Norman Macaay.
International Remittance/Credit unit Facility
Tel: +31 643-939-171,+31-634-244-929 Ex-123
Fax: +31-847-486-070

Congratulations once more from all members and staffs of this program.

Yours Faithfully,
Mrs.Barbara Glanen
Publications Department